Friday, January 29, 2010

The Initiator

Sarah is definitely the initiator in this relationship. Will pretty much goes along with whatever she wants. Eventually Will gave her the kiss, but I missed that photo.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Will's new favorite thing to do is put his hands in his pockets. He'll try to drink, navigate stairs and eat while his hands are in his pockets. I think it's pretty cute.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mickey Mouse Pancake

I made Will his first Mickey Mouse pancake yesterday. He stared at it for quite some time, but then had no problem eating it. Chanting Mickey Mouse the whole time.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Will was very sweet and got me roses for my birthday yesterday. He told me "happy birthday" throughout the day, which I loved. It started as "happy day," but then it turned into "happy birthday." Please forgive his rashy face. He hasn't been feeling the best lately, with his exima flaring up and a bit of a cold. I also buzzed his hair too short, so there's a lot going on.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Will's Birthday Party

Will was very lucky and had so many friends come to his party. Thank you everyone for making his second birthday so special!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a great time at the Motelet's last night. All the kids played well together and we did our new year count down around 9:12. I'm not sure if any of the kids knew why we were celebrating, but give a kid a horn, and they'll toot it. We tried to stay a little longer and put Will to sleep with Sarah, but it didn't work out. Sarah passed out, while Will continuously tried to stick a nuk in her mouth. Maybe next year...