Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick Boy

Will is offially sick. He threw up 3 times yesterday, which has never happened before. He's had the occasional puke throughout the last year, but never 3 pukes in 3 hours. So far he kept his morning bottle down today, so hopefully the worst is over. Now I just need to get that puke smell out of my house. He threw up all over the couch last night, which is why he's eating the couch tag he found during the cleaning process. Glad he's having fun!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Birthday Fun

I got a lot of kisses from my favorite person today and his Daddy got me a massage at my favorite spa topped off with a sushi dinner. Not too shabby!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Play Date With His Girlfriend!

Will and Sarah had some play time last week, which started out well, but then got a little hairy. It seems Will is becoming a little bit of a bully. He didn't want to give her any space and constantly wanted whatever it was that she had. Sarah just kept looking at me like..."What are you going to do about this?" Sorry Sarah!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tub Time

Will still loves his baths and wantes to drink the water all the time. If the faucet is running, he'll stick his face right under it and drink away. If it's not on, he tries to find ways to scoop the bubbly water up from the tub. Yes, he has puked a couple of times after baths!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


We finally got some use out of our driveway being a sheet of ice. We had tons of fun whipping Will around on the sled. He seemed to enjoy it too!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Thanks Tom!

We love Will's cool new shirt. We think he has Maddox Jolie- Pitt style when he wears it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Secret Is Out!

I discovered something very special about Will awhile ago, but decided not to tell anyone. But then my friend Stacy discovered it herself. So, I guess I'll share it with everyone....Will has a forked tongue! When it's in his mouth, it rounded, but when he sticks it out, it's totally snake like. CRAZY!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Anand turns 32 today! We just got back from the Badger basketball game and had a great time. Thank you Unkle Vik and Ba and Bapa for babysitting and Liz for the tickets! We also want to note that Anand is happy to share his birthday with Dylan Thomas!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

We'd like to thank all our good friends for coming over and celebrating new years with us. This year was a little different, since we celebrated at 8:30 and used the microwave timer as the count down tool, but it was still fun! At least the kiddos got to enjoy it, and we all got a good night's sleep.