Sunday, May 16, 2010


Will pooped on the potty!!! I can't believe it! So- Will was taking a bath (notice the other fun photo!) and was acting a little funny. He said he was "all done" which was very odd for recently getting in. I asked him if he needed to poop and he said yes. So I whipped him over to the toilet for a very long pushing episode. I thought it was going to be the biggest poop ever. He was hanging on for dear life because I already packed his potty seat, but he got it out! Yes, that teensy tiny poop was Will first in the potty. I am so proud. He got 2 pieces of candy which has been promised to him for months since he's started to pee on the toilet. Way to go Will! Also- a side note- he can write a "W". I should probably be more excited for the "W", but that teeny tiny poop was a long time comin'.



Way to go little man. Isn't it crazy what moms and dads get so excited about these days.

Tia and Isiah said...

Congrats Will! On both the potty and the "W"!

Luso and Finn: said...

HA! So cute and so funny! Way to go Will!