Monday, August 30, 2010

A Conversation with my Son

Will: (screaming from his bed) Mama! ...MaMa!...MaMA!
Me: (running down the hall and whipping the door open) What?!?
Will: Dare's somepin' in my butthole.
Me: What?
Will: (louder) Dare's somepin' in my butthole.
Me: (pause) Do you need to poop?
Will: No.
Me: Well, what's in there?
Will: Dare's a sticker in my butthole.
Me: What?
Will: It's in dare..

Cut to me checking his diaper and finding a sticker on his butt. I have to admit, I was really nervous. You hear a lot of kids put stuff up their nose, and all I could think was....Great, I'm gonna have the kid who puts stuff in his butthole. Luckily, the hole was clear.


Denise said...

Oh that is too funny, thanks for making me laugh out loud! Less funny of course if there was really something up there :)

Ali said...

SOOOOO funny! Made me laugh out loud, too!

Luso and Finn: said...

Good one!! Finley told me recently, "There's a mole in my room. You put a toenail in it." It took me a minute to realize he was talking about the hole on his wall where I had put a nail in it.