Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Not a Good Start to 2011

Well, I guess I'm ready to talk about the incident. We had a Rose Bowl party on Saturday and Will was playing in his room with friends. He must have been jumping on his bed, because he fell off, and sliced the back of his head on his brand new fish tank, shattering it. Our friends were so awesome, and cleaned up the 10 gallon mess as we went to the emergency room (urgent care closes at 5:00 on holidays). He ended up getting one staple on the back of his head, which was a very tramatic experience (Let's just say he had 2 staples put in and one pulled out right away). Luckily, he is doing fine and we are scheduled to get the staple out on Friday. One lesson learned...NO MORE JUMPING ON THE BED. Oh- and my kid will never have a fish tank. One other side note- our ER copay went from $75 to $150 on Jan 1st, just as an additional slap in the face.


Saj said...

Augh! Poor Will! But what's funny (not ha ha, but weird) is that Caden had two staples put in his head in almost the exact same spot! He fell while playing on some rocks. Needless to say, Caden won't be playing on those rocks anymore! His head has healed wonderfully, just so you know!

Denise said...

Oh my gosh Crystal that sounds incredibly scary! I'm glad that all things considered he is doing OK. Let me know if you figure out how to get him to stop jumping on the bed, I've tried with both and they just don't get it.